A book in which I was delighted as soon as I met him, walking through the feeds. And then I provided mine.

And to increase my happiness, I find the proposal of LC Agência de Comunicação, for a Collective reading. Of course, I threw myself headlong into this adventure. They were wonderful moments, because each week of reading, we had the opportunity to talk to the author Fausto Panicacci about our opinions and to know the reasons for his writing. I just have to thank you for the opportunity. Another differential of this collective reading was that we were given a book to be raffled off.

The reader has no idea of the adventure that awaits him through the pages of The Silence of the Books, a highly addictive dystopia full of annoyances with great discoveries. An outstanding book, which makes us reflect and start thinking about what a world without a book would be like. For, as the books themselves warn us:

“There were the same signs everywhere, it's true, but that one, affixed to the wall at the entrance to the woods, made it worse. Something like a final warning – HAVING BOOKS IS A CRIME. REPORT IT. (…)”

The characters are highly captivating, my darling is the super charming girl Alice.

With Alice's family and her newest neighbor, we discover new meanings and destinations never before thought for in the history of times without books.

The book tells its story, divided into three parts, all of them well structured. The author fascinates by the promptness with the words!

And do you already know this magnificent work?

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