Dialogue with various branches of Art, The island and the mirror intertwines perennial themes such as empathy, memory, love, greed and guilt with current issues such as violence against women, cultural identity, xenophobia, the environment and the fate of refugees, in an inspiring story with reflections on the value of friendship, multiplicity of looks and the dignity of human life.

Fausto Luciano Panicacci was born in São João da Boa Vista, in the interior of São Paulo. He has lived in Cambridge (England) and completed his PhD in Legal Sciences at the University of Minho (Portugal), in addition to having a degree in Law from the University of São Paulo (Largo São Francisco – USP) and having taught classes at the GV/Law from FGV/SP. His passion for art and literature led him to study Photography, Film History and Art History. A member of the Academy of Letters of São João da Boa Vista, he is a prosecutor, photographer and writer, with the novels standing out among his literary works. The island and the mirror and The silence of the books, which reached bestseller lists in Spain and Brazil.

Fausto Luciano Panicacci was born in São João da Boa Vista, in the interior of São Paulo. He has lived in Cambridge (England) and completed his doctorate in Legal Sciences at the University of Minho (Portugal), in addition to a degree in Law from the University of São Paulo (USP). His passion for art and literature led him to study Photography, Film History and Art History. He is a prosecutor and writer with published literary works, including The silence of the books, which reached bestseller lists in Spain and Brazil.