IG review @albumdeleitura about my work "The Silence of Books".

In a dystopian era in which books are forbidden and technology rules and conditions human attitudes, we meet Alice, a curious little girl who is passionate about stories, but who, after her grandmother's death and her uncle's imprisonment, finds herself facing loneliness accompanied by ; neglected by her parents and hated by her older sister, the little girl is just a nuisance in the Crástino family. Fate, however, takes care of bringing close to her the mysterious foreigner and newcomer to Portugal, Santiago Pena. As a way of welcoming their newest neighbor, Alice's family offers her dinner. And it is from then on that the girl will discover that that man is an excellent storyteller and, together, they will build a beautiful friendship. Believing she had finally found her safe haven, the little one had no idea that her “lettered grandfather” could arouse dangerous longings in her entire family that would change her life forever.
At the same time, we go back a few years and meet Hilário Pena, a Brazilian convicted of murder, trying to prove his innocence at all costs. The young man undergoes a series of tests and despite everyone denying the presence of the C gene (the criminality gene), he is kept in isolation, as he is considered a great danger to society. Gradually Hilário sees his youth slipping away, as well as his sanity. But the arrival of António, a man accused of trafficking books, takes Hilário out of his solitary confinement and, day after day, instills in that desolate man a love for literature. It is from then on that we experience the character's maturation and, consequently, the deconstruction of old concepts impregnated in him.
Uniting the two plots in an unusual and intelligent way, Fausto creates a plot full of metaphors, dialoguing with the great classics of universal Literature and bringing to the surface unspeakable reflections, such is the mastery of his poetic language narrative, rich in details and with consistent criticism. society and our own humanity. It's already one of my all-time favorites!
“Books choose us” and I'm sure this one chose me ♥️

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