Not everyone accepts and there is resistance, but acts in favor of books were in vain and they became banned. Technology has also evolved considerably and people base their decisions through an application that gives them random answers to any and all questions. Furthermore, genetics is so advanced that it is possible to identify a criminal gene in each individual and thereby prevent possible crimes - theoretically, because in practice things are not quite that way.
Alice is a child who wants to be known, likes to hear stories and write down everything she can in her notebook, but Alice lives in a time when owning books is a crime and there is no one to tell her stories when her mother discovered a hidden book she destroyed it and broke little Alice's heart. At home, the girl is constantly ignored by her parents and sister, nobody listens to her, they seem to care little for her, but Alice loves them very much.
Alice gains a friend when a mysterious and very educated man arrives in the city, Santiago says little about his life or his past, he is always accompanied by a notebook and works hard so that the books can return to circulation. Alice's family is intrigued by the foreigner and seeks an approach, the girl sees in Santiago a “grandfather of letters”, because Santiago is the only one who tells stories and really cares about her. The daily life of this family was never the best, it is a family on the verge of ruin, but the arrival of Santiago will bring to light the problems that until then were hidden.
The notebook in Santiago's possession belonged to Hilário, a man who did not have the criminal gene, but who ended up going to prison, he claims innocence, however there is evidence of his guilt. Hilário spent years in prison for a heinous crime that he allegedly did not commit, he needs to prove his innocence, only that the whole system is against him. In prison, Hilário is kept in isolation, but after a few years there he received the temporary company of António, a friend who will show him the power that books have, it is António who makes Hilário love to read.
Years later, it is Santiago who has Hilário's notebook and carries with him the desire to see the release of the books, he does what he can to make people realize the magnitude of a literary work and understand that the books are knowledge sources. Santiago will have a lot of obstacles ahead of him and he has to fight hard, otherwise he will have to entrust his life's work to someone else.
My impression about the book “The Silence of the Books”
Alice is a child growing up in a world where books are prohibited, she likes stories and has no one to tell them. Alice is naive and we see things happen through her eyes, it gives her heart a squeeze to see the things she witnesses without understanding and follow her routine with her family, father, mother and sister seem to even notice the girl's presence at home. When a foreigner who is seeking the release of the books arrives, Alice finds him a friend.
Santiago does not conform to the ban on books and works to change the situation, he immediately likes Alice and makes a point of telling all possible stories and giving the attention she deserves. The girl's family has long been in crisis, but they maintain the perfect family facade. Behind this is a perverted father who watches hidden porn videos; a mother who is always focused on television or gossip, she is able to go over everything to satisfy herself; and an older daughter who has social media as her base for everything, the internet is more important than life.
Beatriz, Alice's older sister, has bothered me since the moment she appeared, but towards the end her attitudes were completely over the top. The mother was the one who irritated me the most, she started to do even more childish things than Beatriz and behave like a teenager. The father hid behind the mask of a hardworking family man, but he is actually a disgusting man.
I highly recommend reading this book, the ending made me very willing to have a second volume.