Hilário was a boy who lived alone in places. Always following the paths that life guides you. Until one day there is a fight in a bar and Hilário is arrested. He is lost in the confusion, but at the police station he learns of the whole situation and accusations that have been made against him.
The government did some tests to find out if Hilário drank alcohol or narcotics and thus find out if his genetics reveal whether he lives in a criminal side. From the result, he would be sentenced to death or not. The & #8220; Hilário Case & #8221 ;, as the press was already calling, ended up gaining notoriety in society.
Faced with all the madness that his life became, Hilário was lost in his thoughts. He just wanted to have his freedom back and be able to live his life peacefully, but that was far from happening.
In the course of the time it was & #8216; in the hands of the government & #8217; a lot has changed. One of them affected the world of books. Having them at home or anywhere else has become prohibited. The works that resisted could be altered by other people, changing the knowledge present in it and creating a new history, a new narrative, a different look from reality. Digital books that could not be changed were excluded. In the case of physical books, they all started to be burned. Having books at home, no way! It was a crime & #8230; Those were dark times.
& #8220; Perhaps the book was gone because it was time for Santiago to arrive. Perhaps things had to go, even though it was sad, so that others could come. & #8221;
Here comes Santiago. A mysterious man, passionate about stories, also lonely and who comes to live in a village located in Portugal. He ends up meeting a family that will welcome him in solitude, especially when he meets Alice, better known as & #8216; Girl & #8217 ;.
& #8220; - How do you know you can trust me? & #8211; Santiago asked, smiling. - Children always know who to trust. Adults don't know. & #8221;
This little girl will light the flame of hope in Santiago & #8211; that only sparks remained in the midst of all the chaos the world became after books were banned. But embarrassing situations start to happen and the neighboring relationship with Alice's family will become complicated.
What do these three characters have in common?
& #8220; We must resist everything that dehumanizes us, and the elimination of good old stories, from books, is the right recipe for dehumanization. & #8221;
Divided into three parts, the reader is led to embark on a story that may sound quite surreal to some, but which also borders on reality & #8211; who knows in the near future. An era in which having books is considered a crime, as they said that they & #8216; froze the author's vision & #8217 ;. Now anyone could modify and build their own version. A phase in which libraries ceased to exist and became legends. A difficult time for those who loved literature.
The writer Fausto Luciano Panicacci, with his poetic and reflective writing, presents us with outstanding characters, each with their own particularities. Hilário was always lonely, orphaned by affection and people who welcomed him. That they were true friends. Part of Hilário's solitude is fulfilled when he meets a man who becomes his great friend.
In the case of Santiago, the & #8216; Menina & #8217; family, mainly by maintaining a simple and true friendship with little Alice & #8211; who loved to hear her stories, since she also shared the loneliness, because she did not have the attention of her parents and was ignored by her sister.
Together, the three feed readers' hopes as they read. They are synonymous with resistance in the work. But not everything is perfect and strange attitudes start to emerge in this affective relationship that Santiago will have with the family of the naive Alice. By the way, you will be enchanted by Her. A smart, caring, caring, curious and observant little girl.
With each page the narrative becomes even more thought-provoking, full of mysteries and provoking the reader's heart. For my part, what I can say is that the book is incredible. I confess that I started reading the work thinking it would be in a way, but the author completely surprised me and exceeded my expectations. And that was wonderful. The review was a sacrifice to write without giving too many spoilers lol.
The author's writing is poetic at different times, but it is still fluid. You can read calmly and your words reach the reader in different ways. Each one will have a similar or much more different effect according to their own experiences. Anyway, the reading is more than indicated. I can even say that it is necessary.
The author takes advantage of the work to address several themes, such as the power of technological advances, the overwhelming dominance that censorship has and how it can destroy our freedom; but also reflects on the ability of literature to change people and, consequently, the world. Throughout the work he also makes reference to works by renowned authors in world literature.
& #8220; The Silence of Books & #8221; was published by Editora Pandorga. The book has a beautiful cover and back cover, yellowed pages, the layout is very well organized, even with a good font size. In addition, the edition has ears. The work is well prepared to talk about an important subject: the books and the splendid power they have.
& #8220; Stories connect us in this extraordinary adventure that is our existence. And books carry them. Are there other ways to tell stories? Evidently so. But I see no better way to preserve them than in books, whose very long existence, resisting wars, humidity, and mistreating the centuries, proves it. & #8221;
& #x1f4da; Good reading, everyone! & #x1f4da;