The work reflects a work of deep dedication and quality of content. It is remarkable through the numerous literary references and language at various times far-fetched (but not boring), the scholarship that accompanies the author and which he has overflowed in his work.


   & #8220; & #8230; for her, everything would flow from Art, for everything that dies and is reborn in Art lives forever. & #8221; (pg. 255)


The graphic finish is also beautiful: cover image, layout, fonts, paper type and color, all beautifully crafted and eye-catching. Another point that impresses a lot, and are extremely well constructed, are the prefaces. One was written by Beatriz Virginia Camarinha Castilho Pinto (Master in Linguistics) and the other by Maria José Gargantini Moreira da Silva (Specialist in Portuguese Language and Textual Production). this one. For me, they were responsible for definitely drawing the reader into the universe of the book and its characters.


The Silence of Books It is divided into 3 parts. The first is titled & #8220; Through the Eyes of Alice & #8221;, child character I fell in love with and who lives in Portugal. Alice is at least charming and has an authentic love of books, a feeling that was introduced to her (even before she learned to read) by her grandmother and a maternal uncle, both are no longer part of the girl's life, but marked her forever.



She remembered when she received it from her grandmother as a great secret, from the scares, the laughter, the letters holding hands to form words, and the world. (pg. 15)



Alice's feelings and vision of the world around her is a very interesting thing to follow. The narrative of this first part flowed very fast and despite presenting a world in which owning books is a crime (Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 there) is lovely to follow the adventures of Alice who is at the age of & #8220; & #8230; the next day is enough to overcome trauma forever and ever. (p.15)



The second part is #8220; By other eyes & #8221; and in it we know the trajectory of the character Hilário Pena, who lives in Brazil, initially in an earlier era the prohibitions and the use of science for genetic manipulation. He is a character who goes through a great narrative arc and personifies the changing ability of any human being for good or bad. The third part is & #8221; Back in the eyes of Alice & #8221; and just as its name implies, it refers again to the girl's worldview.



Anyone who appreciates the literary universe will surely love this book! It leads us on a vast walk through Literature and its great authors, through clues and tips left by the author throughout the narrative. And finally, it is a work that extols the power that reading can wield in our lives:



& #8220; & #8230; This is my reading. Can you understand the magic of this? What can I derive from a story universal, and how does that story speak to my senses, my anxieties, my desires; finally, how do you communicate with MY life? & #8221; (p. 98)



& #8220; & #8230; books: besides what they already reveal the surface, it is possible to appreciate them for what they are, for their style, that is, as works of art; one can also penetrate into that recesses, which make us reflect on our lives, and through the characters we can observe the world with other eyes, savoring lives that are not ours, and thus better understand those around us. & #8221; (p.99)




