Xapuri Blog Now – He published about the work “The Silence of Books”. Check it out below!

What if books were banned?

Discover the work that asks what would be the fate of a society that, fascinated by technological advances, abolished books.
Everyone knows that books are fundamental and have a great importance in the development of society and for the individual's intellectual growth. Literary works, whether didactic or fictional, also allow human beings to record important facts, create stories and, thus, provide the opportunity to transfer all this to subsequent societies, acting as a bearer of knowledge and information.
In addition to the enormous importance of disseminating knowledge from generation to generation, the book opens doors to the creative freedom of each new author who enters the publishing market. With each work a completely new universe is presented to the reader, always with new stories to be discovered.
Books are true companions, from childhood to adulthood and, of course, add infinitely. But what would you do if the books were strictly prohibited? Throughout history, it is possible to identify some periods where literary works were persecuted and banned, for example, in Nazi Germany and the Brazilian Military Dictatorship. Could this happen again?
The work "The Silence of Books”, written by the Doctor of Legal Sciences, promoter and photographer Fausto Luciano Panicacci, tells the story of a future time where books are considered “undemocratic”, and having them is considered a crime in many countries!
In this new scenario, there is no room for readers, let alone writers.  Here, the reader follows the arrival of the mysterious Santiago Pena to Vila Nova de Gaia, in Portugal, where he will meet Alice, a girl despised by her parents. Dreamy and passionate about stories, the girl becomes obsessed with a notebook that Santiago carries and accidentally drops. Curious, the girl passes by and becomes more and more interested in the boy's notes.
Surprisingly, the story of this enigmatic foreigner, the abandoned girl, a courageous editor, and an inspired photographer intertwine. Together, they risk their freedom to keep a dangerous secret. Amidst suspense, resistance and adventure, the book carries deep reflections on the paradoxes of the human condition. Alternating between the perspective of a curious girl and that of an enigmatic man, The Silence of Books it is about love, passion, friendship, egos, latent pain and scars, and is, above all, an authentic declaration of love for Literature.